Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter launches - Mortgage Introducer


The MIMHC is a non-profit organisation, and is the result of a collaboration between the following co-founders, Crystal Specialist Finance, Coreco, Chartwell Mortgage Services, Landbay, The Brightstar Group, Knowledge Bank and SimplyBiz Mortgages.

The MIMHC is focused on providing practical help to businesses across the sector who want to boost the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.

It was launched in order to take forward the recommendations of the Stevenson and Farmer ‘Thriving at Work’ report produced for the government in 2017.

An annual review will be produced by the MIMHC to demonstrate how the mortgage industry is performing against key mental health metrics and whether the sector is progressing in improving the wellbeing of staff.

Signatories to the charter commit to the following pledges to develop mental health awareness among employees using activities and advocacy and encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available to employees who may be struggling.

Provide employees with good working conditions that encourage a healthy work life balance and opportunities for development and promote effective people management through line managers and ensure there is a focus on physical and mental wellbeing as well as performance.

As well as routinely monitor employee mental health and wellbeing through surveys and regular contact with managers and have a named contact for Mental Health Support.

Jason Berry, group sales and marketing director at Crystal Specialist Finance, said: “There is a lot of work for all of us across the mortgage industry to do in order to provide more substantial support to the mental health and wellbeing of our colleagues.

“The pandemic has thrown the importance of our mental health into sharp focus, and I’m certain that the Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter will give businesses across the sector a helping hand in delivering best practice. We look forward to welcoming more signatories to the charter from across the industry.”

Nicola Firth, founder and chief executive of Knowledge Bank, added: “We are incredibly proud to be co-founders of the Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter.

“The help that this initiative will provide will be far reaching, giving both companies and individuals a point of reference for valuable materials and guidance.

“We’re committed to making the path to both providing and receiving help with regards to mental health issues as easy as possible.”

Rob Jupp, group chief executive at The Brightstar Group, said: “We all have mental health and we are all vulnerable to suffering poor mental health, which can often be debilitating and isolating.

“We’ve always taken mental health very seriously at Brightstar and we have a team of mental health first aiders available to help any of our people who may be suffering.

“I’m so pleased that this Mental Health Charter for the mortgage industry has got off the ground and absolutely delighted that Brightstar is a signatory to it.

“We can all do more to help our friends, colleagues, family and ourselves when it comes to mental health and the Charter will help us to do that.”