What do we stand for?


This is a question we've been asking ourselves a lot over the last few years. And the answer we keep coming back to, time after time, is community.

As realtors, we are out in the field each day, serving our clients, meeting new people, and interacting with other business owners. We've come to realize that simply by doing our jobs each day we have the potential to exert a tremendous amount of influence in our community.

And we'd like to use our influence to promote positive change throughout Dane County. Our ultimate goal is to influence thousands of business owners to focus their mission and resources on making Dane County a better place to live, work, and recreate. If we can accomplish this, then our influence will be far-reaching. 

Our focus on community

Our focus on community continues to evolve, but we'd like to share with you a few of the initiatives we're working on right now as we walk this path with you. 

First, we're hiring service-minded people. 

Great things happen when we collaborate to serve our clients and community. When we focus on serving others, our careers become personally and financially rewarding -- in ways that we never imagined possible. 

We're donating our business and marketing skills to local non-profits. 

As a salaried member of our team, Samantha Haas is donating her business and marketing skills to local non-profits. This initiative is off to an amazing start! What started off as an experiment, has quickly become central to our team's identity. We can't imagine being a team without Sam and her incredible work. 

We're donating to local non-profits through our team giving program. 

Just recently, we've launched a team giving program which will raise several thousand dollars for local non-profits in 2021. As part of this program, Mad City Dream Homes is providing matching donations to community organizations who receive financial support from our team members. 

We're raising awareness for local non-profit organizations. 

Our marketing team regularly highlights local non-profits in our blog, newsletter, e-newsletter, and on social media. Each month, we're promoting a new non-profit across all of our marketing channels. 

We're buying local.

As much as possible, we're using our purchasing power to support local small businesses. We're relying heavily on local businesses to help us carry out our client gifting program and our client events. 

We're donating our Monroe Street space to community organizations and events. 

Our team is just getting started with this and we are excited! In November, we'll be using our suite to host Lilada Gee and her exhibit for the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art's Gallery Night

We're collaborating with other business owners and raising awareness within our field. 

We're meeting with other realtors in the Madison area and spreading the word about the benefits of running a community-focused business. Soon, we'll be launching a newsletter for Dane County realtors in order to amplify our message and expand our audience. We're excited to be launching our newsletter and looking forward to meeting with many more business owners!

So, what do YOU stand for? 

If this is a question that you've been contemplating, we would love to hear from you. We believe we all have so much more potential to contribute to the well-being of our community, so we're always up for brainstorming ideas and exploring new possibilities. In the meantime, here are some of the local organizations that our agents and employees are actively supporting right now. Perhaps this list of non-profits will inspire you to support an initiative that is near and dear to your heart?