Mortgage brokers losing out on sleep: Crystal | Mortgage Strategy


Less than a fifth of mortgage brokers are currently getting eight hours sleep a night, shows research from Crystal Specialist Finance.

The distributor surveyed mortgage brokers as part of a health and wellbeing campaign, which it launched in August this year.

It shows that just 13 per cent of brokers are getting eight hours’ sleep a night, 23 per cent saying they “never” sleep for the recommended amount of time, and 62 per cent saying they do so for less than half of each week.

In terms of contentment, 22 per cent responded that they “love” what they do, and 26 per cent that they are happy. However, with 35 per cent saying they are moderately happy, this leaves 16 per cent (numbers do not add up to 100 due to rounding) saying that they are “totally disillusioned” with their working lives.

Crystal believes that this number may grow over the coming months.

Crystal group sales and marketing director Jason Berry says: “I’m not surprised that our sector is seeing a huge number of brokers not receiving enough sleep. The pent-up consumer demand which built from the last week of March to the end of June has seen recent transaction levels rocket and many brokers are undoubtedly working harder than ever to satisfy clients.

“The stamp duty holiday and revised permitted development rules, which make planning consents easier, are helpful but both are likely to mean the high consumer demand continues. On the surface this appears to be great news but there will be enormous stress and strain on our broker community, which is heightened further by the latest Covid trends.”

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