Government injects


A total of £6m will be allocated to help new locally-led garden towns and villages progress plans to deliver up to 200,000 new homes.

An additional £1.9m will be given to councils in England to support new neighbourhood plans, allowing communities to get involved and have their say on the types of homes that are built and where.

Housing Minister Rt Hon Esther McVey MP said: “Communities have the local insight to decide what new homes should look like and the kind of infrastructure they need in their area.

“This is what neighbourhood planning is all about, so I’m pleased this funding will ensure that the right homes are built in the right places.

“I am also announcing extra cash to deliver new vibrant garden communities, which will help deliver tens of thousands of well-designed new homes for hardworking families.”

The latest new garden community to receive backing from the government will be built at Wynyard.

Wynyard has already received £150,000 and is set to be the largest new settlement in the North East, delivering up to 6,800 new homes.

Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayor, added: “I am delighted that this funding has been approved and it is another example of the government’s commitment to projects in the Tees Valley – they are supporting my ambition to make our region a better place to live and work.

“The proposed garden community will take more pressure off nearby developments when it comes to excessive building which is changing the character of our villages and towns for the worse and proving to be a real headache for residents.

“This announcement is more evidence that this government is listening to the concerns of people in this region and acting upon them.”