Home buyers and sellers freeze property plans for five months


The research was undertaken by online mortgage broker Trussle in conjunction with Censuswide. Of the 2,011 people surveyed, a third (33%) said they had been planning to buy and/or sell a property.

Before the Government announced the lockdown last month, which has temporarily frozen the housing market, half (49%) of those planning to buy decided to ‘stop looking for a new home’ as a result of Covid-19.

Fewer sellers pulled the plug, with just 20% deciding to halt proceedings on the sale of their home.

Despite the scale of the disruption, one-in-six homeowners (16%) are thinking about remortgaging in the near-term.

Trussle’s research found that, on average, customers who remortgage to avoid lapsing onto their lender’s standard variable rate (SVR) could save on average £344 per month or £4,128 per year.

Of those who are considering switching, the majority (66%) are aged between 25 and 44. Nearly a quarter of those (24%) thinking about switching due to coronavirus are based in Greater London – the highest proportion.

This is followed by those in the South East (13%) and the West Midlands (10%). Northern Ireland has the lowest take-up, with just 1% of those considering switching being based there, followed by Wales at 2%.

Ian Larkin, CEO of Trussle commented: “The coronavirus pandemic has not only had a huge impact on the economy, but also on everyday life in the UK.

“Just last month, it would have been nearly impossible to contemplate the scale of the lockdown and its economic impact. We’re now feeling the effects in the housing market and it’s difficult to predict how long it will take for transactions to return to pre-crisis levels.

“With the government’s latest plea discouraging buyers from moving house, It’s entirely understandable that people are putting off their housing plans.

“During these uncertain times, people are taking steps to protect themselves financially. Reducing mortgage payments, the biggest monthly outgoing most homeowners will face, is a priority for many.”