7 To-Dos to Check Off Before 2020


Goal-setting season is upon us. Resolutions are looming and the success of your business next year can depend largely on how you wrap up the next few months. It’s a heavy task with all the festivities (and subsequent lack of focus), but if you prioritize a few key things, you’ll set yourself up for success.


1. Plan Your Gifts and Donations



‘Tis the season! There is no better time of year than the holiday season to add that “personal touch” that will set you apart from your competitors. Make your own nice list and include the people who have been the most important to your business this year. Consider current and past clients, vendors, as well as coworkers. Plan to give out appropriate gifts to thank them for their loyalty and business and consider writing handwritten holiday cards to stay in touch with past clients. (boost your referral business!).


It’s also the perfect time to choose a local charity and make a company donation. This is a great thing to do for obvious reasons, but it also doesn’t hurt to get a little brand recognition and a tax reduction!

Your Holiday Real Estate Gift-Giving Guide


2. Audit Your Tech Tools



Technology is mission-critical to the success of your business. Do you have everything you need to hit the ground running in 2019? Perhaps there was something you could have benefited from this year? Make sure you’re using vendors that are true business partners. Make sure they’re on the leading edge of innovation, putting you ahead of the competition and helping you deliver unprecedented service to your clients.  

Here are some question to ask yourself about your real estate CRM

  • Does it create tech-enabled agents?
  • Does it reduce busy workload and enable you to focus on more dollar-productive activities?
  • Does it integrate with other tools? This will help you build the perfect tech stack for your buisness.
  • Does it go beyond simply organizing leads?
  • Does it maximize my ROI?


3. Evaluate Your Digital Persona

  As an agent, you yourself are a brand. Make sure your personal brand is reflecting your values and the type of service you can offer prospective clients. Now is a great time to spruce up your social media profiles, update your head shot, and skim through all the content to make sure everything is in line with your brand goals.



Additionally, make sure your consumer website is up to snuff. Your website is your first impression for your online leads (and you know what they say about first impressions!) Here’s an example of a great consumer website.  

4. Prioritize Your Education

  Did you put a priority on professional development this year? If so, great! Keep doing what worked and re-evaluate things that weren’t that beneficial. If not, make that a focus for 2020. It’s amazing what inspiration the right conference or coach can bring to your business. Research some opportunities that would be a great fit for your 2019 goals, and make some plans!


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5. Assess Your 2019 Business Plan

  Too many people create their goals for the new year without taking a long hard look at the past year. Review your critical metrics from 2019. Regardless of if you hit your goals in certain areas or not, what do the numbers say about your performance and priorities? Use this information as a starting point for sales forecasting and building a very realistic and actionable plan for next year.



6. Build That 2020 Business Plan


Now that you have a real understanding of last year’s performance, it’s time to put a plan together. Make sure you cover all aspects of your business: marketing campaigns, potential hires, specific sales metrics, technology investments and events. Associate SMART goals with each aspect and build out timelines to keep yourself accountable.  

Are you tracking and measure your numbers? You should be accounting for the following:

  • Response Time/Speed-to-Lead
  • Follow-up & Nurture
  • Lead Conversion Rates
  • Close Rates


7. Enjoy Your Holiday Time!



The next two months provide built-in time to celebrate with those you love. Take advantage! Focus on your to-dos before the whirlwind begins and soak in your quality time with family and friends. Disconnect from your business a bit, enjoy yourself, and mentally prepare yourself to hit the ground running in January.


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