Covid reshapes clients and financial advisers relationship | Mortgage Strategy


The Covid pandemic has drastically changed financial advice with many clients now seeking flexibility in their relationship with advisers.

Research from Abdrn shows the pandemic has prompted a surge in individuals using remote options such as video calls and also reshaped wider client expectations.

Nearly a third (31%) of the 1,000 advised individuals polled said they used remote advice channels for the first time after the country first entered lockdown in March 2020.

The largest shift in behaviour was seen among those aged 66 and above. More than a quarter (28%) reported using remote options for the first time, a 200% increase from the 14% that already used it before the pandemic.

More than half of advised individuals (56%) are now happier than they were before the first lockdown to receive advice remotely.

This was prompted by greater familiarity with digital tools like Teams and Zoom (57%), and the convenience it offers their lifestyles (47%).

And nearly three-quarters of clients (73%) want an element of remote advice from the adviser, while 51% want a mix of in-person and remote advice, and only a fifth (20%) want face-to-face interaction.

Abrdn chief executive Noel Butwell says: “The pandemic has accelerated a shift away from the traditional formats of giving and receiving advice.

“While in the past face-to-face meetings were the norm, these findings show the majority of clients now want to use tools like video calls for consultations and will be seeking ongoing flexibility in how they interact with their adviser.

“Advisers are no strangers to tailoring their approaches to meet clients’ specific needs, and we know the advisers we work with are continuing to offer a remote advice service for clients who want it.

“This is a win-win for everyone. Clients benefit from bespoke interactions that suit them and their schedule, while the speed and convenience can help advisers increase capacity and drive efficiencies by cutting down on factors like travel time and cost.”

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