Over 176,000 home hunters have signed up to Zooplas FTB guide | Mortgage Introducer


The Zooploma, launched on Boxing Day, is a series of 30 easy to digest emails over 10 weeks which help guide first-time buyers through their home buying journey.

Once a first-time buyer signs up, they will receive three emails a week offering them hints and tips to help them onto the property ladder.

Adam Knight, head of CRM at Zoopla, said: “First-time buyers are a significant proportion of the market, accounting for almost 40% of all property transactions.

“Understanding their challenges and helping to support and guide them through the process is central to our ethos.

“These consumers are a crucial business driver for agents and therefore a key priority here at Zoopla as we look to further support agents and drive quality leads to them.

“The success of the new Zooploma is testament to our continued innovation and investment into new products. It’s fantastic to see such high levels of demand and engagement among first-time buyers.

“We look forward to continuing to develop new and innovative ways to help agents and home hunters alike.”

Among the practical guides featured as part of the Zooploma emails are 21 steps to buying a home, how to save for a deposit, leasehold and freehold explained, things to do before applying for a mortgage and 2020 hotspots for first-time buyers.

Zoopla plans to launch several other guides for prospective home buyers and renters at different stages in their property journey.

The second Zooploma, set to launch in the coming weeks, will focus on the rental market.