Beware of Coronavirus Scammers - Palm Beach County



Palm Beach County residents should be aware of Coronavirus emailing scams. These emails could contain dangerous links and information designed to scare you into clicking on the link. Scammers often create fake charity emails after global occurrences such as a natural disaster or health scares, like COVID-19.  

Below are some examples of the types of scams you should be on the lookout for:  

  • Emails that appear to be from organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control or the World Health Organization. The scammers have manufactured emails that seem to come from reputable sources.  They include malicious phishing links or attachments.
  • Emails that ask for charity donations for studies, doctors, or victims that have been affected by the COVD-19 Coronavirus.
  • There are reports of emails that claim to have “updated” list of cases of Coronavirus in your area. 

Stay vigilant and remember the following to protect yourself from scams. Do not click on links or download attachments from an email that you were not anticipating. If you receive a suspicious email that appears to come from an official organization such as the CDC or charitable organization, report the email to the official organization through their website.