Why we publish a monthly newsletter


Most business owners don't understand why we would go through the trouble of creating and mailing over 1,700 newsletters each month when the world went digital a long time ago. After all, newsletters are time-consuming and costly. And unlike an online ad, they don't provide any measurable boost to the bottom line. Not to mention that most of our newsletters end up being recycled, anyway.

All of this is true. But over time we have learned that producing a monthly newsletter has become fundamental to the way we do business. Here are three reasons why we're committed to creating an 8-page newsletter month-after-month.

Mad City Dream Homes Newsletter from March, 2021

Why we publish a monthly newsletter

For starters, creating a monthly newsletter requires collaboration, commitment, and consistency by all of our team members. And as it turns out, these 3 habits are essential for any high-functioning team. By publishing an original newsletter month-after-month, we're reinforcing these 3 habits so that they become engrained in everything we do. 

Producing a monthly newsletter keeps us sharp. Each month our goal is to provide you with relevant and timely content, which requires us to always be in tune with the latest industry trends and to be able to communicate them in a helpful manner. Our ongoing investment in content is also an ongoing investment in our professional development. This means we're always prepared to consult with you whenever you're in need of sound real estate advice. 

Our newsletters help us articulate our vision and values. We believe the world needs more people and more businesses actively working for positive change. Our newsletters provide a platform for sharing how we're working to support social justice, environmental, and affordable housing causes here in Dane County. By sharing our journey, we hope to inspire other people and other business owners to embark on their own journeys for positive change. 

 Do you have any article suggestions for our monthly newsletter, or would you like to be added to our mailing list? We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us here