Govt could scrap ban on Section 21 evictions | Mortgage Strategy


The government could u-turn on scrapping Section 21 evictions, according to The Times. 

The government published its Fairer Private Rented Sector White Paper in June with plans to ban Section 21 evictions, alongside other proposals. 

‘No fault’ Section 21 evictions currently allow landlords to terminate tenancies without giving a reason.

The Times article outlines new government proposals and suggests that a move to end no-fault evictions could be “shelved or scrapped entirely” despite the plans being included in prime minister Liz Truss’ manifesto commitment. 

“Everyone deserves to live in a safe and secure home. A fair deal for renters remains a priority, and we are carefully considering our next steps for the rental market,” a government spokesperson told The Times when asked about halting the end of no-fault evictions. 

Other proposals could see the government exempting developers from building affordable homes, scrapping environmental protections, and allowing people to add extensions without permission. 

Levelling up secretary Simon Clarke is said to have written to the prime minister with proposals designed to boost house-building and drive economic growth. 

Responding to the reports on future government rental reform plans, the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) chief executive Ben Beadle says: “Whatever the government’s plans, a wide range of reforms are desperately needed to support the sector.”

“The supply crisis in the sector must be addressed urgently, while much more needs to be done to root out criminal and rogue landlords. Likewise, vulnerable tenants can and should be better supported by unfreezing housing benefit rates.”

“The NRLA will continue to work with all parties to ensure that reforms are fair and workable and command the support of tenants and responsible landlords.” 

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