CHL Mortgages cuts rates across BTL range | Mortgage Strategy


CHL Mortgages has made rate cuts across all its buy-to-let products by up to 31 basis points.

For individuals and limited companies, the 65% LTV two-year fix has had 16 basis points removed, and with a 1.5% fee is set at 2.88%.

Additionally, the 65% LTV five-year fix with 2% fee has had 11 basis points cut to give a rate of 2.88%, and the five-year fix with 1% fee has also received an 11 basis point reduction, putting it at 3.08%.

At 75% LTV, rates start at 3.05% for a two-year fix and 2.98% for a five-year fix.

In the lender’s houses in multiple occupation/multi-unit freehold blocks range, a cut of 21 basis points sees the 65% LTV two-year fix with 2% fee start at 2.99%.

Five-year fixes at 65% LTV now start at 3.29% after having 10 basis points removed.

And, at 75% LTV, the two-year fix with 2% fee has received a 31 basis point cut, making for a rate of 3.08%.

Five-year fixes in this LTV category now start at 3.38%, the lender adds.

CHL Mortgages commercial director Ross Turrell comments: “Since launching four months ago, we have applied a competitive but cautious approach to our product pricing as our commitment to delivering a consistent service offering is paramount and underpins our lending proposition.”

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