Clydesdale Bank announces product rate increases | Mortgage Strategy


Clydesdale Bank has announced rates increase across a number of products, effective from 8pm tonight.

The core 75% to 95% loan-to-value (LTV) two- and five-year fixed rates will be increased by up to 0.23%.

The £1m+ two- and five-year fixed rates will also rise by up to 0.21%.

Professional and newly qualified professional fixed rates will increase by up to 0.19%.

The buy-to-let (BTL) 60% – 75% LTV two-year fixed rates will rise by up to 0.16% while its BTL 60% – 75% LTV five-year fixed rates will go up by up to 0.34%.

Elsewhere, selected two- and five-year fixed rates which are currently only available to existing customers will be made available to all customers.

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