Industry ready to work alongside Rayner to meet housing challenge Mortgage Strategy


The person tasked with overseeing Labour’s ambitious housebuilding programme is Angela Rayner.

Propertymark chief executive  Nathan Emerson is looking forward to working closely with the newly announced Deputy Prime Minister.

“It is essential housing plays a key priority moving forward, as we have witnessed many decades of housing demand drastically outstrip supply. Currently we have a situation that feels like it’s on a knifes edge, especially with a population that is predicted to grow to around 70 million  within the next 10 years.”

Emerson added: “There must be critical cross-party conversation that sets a clear strategy moving forwards, and for this to happen, we need broad stakeholder involvement, wide ranging infrastructure development and all involved must look to the better use of technology for both insight and ongoing delivery.”

Coventry for intermediaries head of intermediary relationships Jonathan Stinton would like to see a more specific role created.

“Housing is a critical area of policy which impacts the lives of millions of voters. While it does have representation at the cabinet table under Angela Rayner (as Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities), it is one of many policy areas and roles that she currently holds in government, including Deputy Prime Minister. Housing is arguably just as important as healthcare and education, so shouldn’t it have its own, dedicated seat at the cabinet table?”

He adds: “Creating a new ‘Secretary of State for Housing’ position would demonstrate the government’s commitment to really getting to grips with and tackling the issues facing the UK’s housing market. More importantly, it would ensure housing policy is brought further up the priority list and gets the attention it deserves at the highest echelons of government.”

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