HTB makes two senior appointments in the specialist mortgages team | Mortgage Strategy


Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has expanded its specialist mortgages team with the promotion of Sally Wright and the hiring of Andrea Glasgow.

Wright has been promoted to take on the role of head of intermediary distribution while Glasgow has been appointed as head of new business.

Both Wright and Glasgow will report to HTB specialist mortgage managing director Louisa Sedgwick.

Prior to her promotion, Wright served as head of propositions in the specialist mortgages division. She joined HTB from Vida Homeloans in 2021 where she worked as head of sales.

In her new role, she will be responsible for expanding the bank’s distribution footprint and developing greater relationships with larger distributors across the specialist finance sector.

Meanwhile, Glasgow takes up responsibility for heading-up new business, supporting existing and new brokers with the bank’s specialist lending proposition, including buy-to-let, semi commercial and bridging finance solutions.

Commenting on the appointments, Sedgwick says: “I am absolutely delighted to announce these new appointments. Sally Wright and Andrea Glasgow have excellent track records and I’m confident they will flourish in their new roles, galvanising the teams to meet the banks’ ambitious targets.”

“These appointments will support our growth plans for 2022 and beyond,” she adds.

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