Climate change and the Madison real estate market


Earlier this year, CBS Morning News aired a feature story on how people with means are choosing to move away from their hometowns that are impacted by heat, drought, wildfires, hurricanes, or rising sea levels.  

The story referred to people who relocate for climate reasons as "climate refugees" who are in search of their own "climate haven". 

Could it be that stories like these are mostly fictional and created for political reasons?

We don't think so. Not at all. 

Just recently, we heard from a realtor who lives and works in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Although she's never been to Madison, she's heard great things about our city, and is seriously considering moving here. She explained to us that the water supply in Arizona is severely compromised, and she's fearful that living in Arizona will become untenable within a few years. 

We also just heard from a young family that lives in Southern California. They are planning to move back to the Madison area within the next year due to the heat and drought conditions in Palm Springs. According to this young family, they can't wait to move back to the Madison area and begin living a much better quality of life.