Masthaven launches specialist BTL deals from 2.75% | Mortgage Strategy


Masthaven has launched a number of limited edition specialist buy-to-let deals starting from 2.75% for a two-year fixed.

The lender is offering the rate up to 65% LTV with a 1.5% fee, which is set at a minimum of £995.

It has also launched a two-year fixed at 2.79% up to 75% LTV with the same fee.

Borrowers can also opt for a two-year fixed at 3.19% with a fixed fee of £1,995 up to 75% LTV.

Masthaven has launched a five-year fixed at 3.09% up to 65% LTV with a 1.5% fee, which is set at a minimum of £995.

It is offering a five-year fix at 3.14% up to 75% LTV with the same fee.

Landlords can also choose a five-year fix with a flat fee of £1,995, which is available at 3.44% up to 75% LTV.

The lender accepts houses in multiple occupation with up to six rooms on single or multiple assured shorthold tenancies.

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