Leeds BS updates support for limited company BTL lending Mortgage Finance Gazette


Leeds Building Society has increased support for limited company buy-to-let (BTL) lending.

Martese Carton

The new updates include an enhanced underwriting service, support from its network of business development managers across the country and a dedicated solicitor panel with full coverage across England, Wales and Scotland.

In addition, the mutual will provide a packaging checklist and affordability calculator, a bespoke application system and improved interest cover ratio and stress rate.

The society conducted research in June alongside its broker partners that highlighted that an easy application process was the most important factor (16%) when considering lenders for limited company BTL applications.

Clear criteria requirements came in a close second (14%).

Leeds Building Society director of mortgage distribution Martese Carton says: “In 2023, a record-breaking 50,000 landlords launched limited companies, proving the popularity of this method almost a decade after it began growing in popularity.”

“However, many brokers don’t feel confident dealing with limited company applications and can be confused about the steps they need to take to support clients working under a limited company.”

“As such, we want to be able to support our intermediary partners as they guide their clients in this changing market.”

“Our broker partners trust us to offer specialist support and find the right solution for each case, and this move to ramp up service and support for limited companies will further streamline processes.”