5 Tips for Managing Time When You Have Multiple Listings | HOME Real Estate Blog


Content Provided by American Home Shield

So, your business development and relationship building efforts have paid off, and you’ve landed several property listings at once. First, congratulate yourself on earning the trust and confidence of the sellers. Second, look for ways to get organized because your days are about to get even busier. Here are some tips that may help.

1. Be intentional about each day.

Now isn’t the time to simply wake up and see what the days throw at you. Have a list of top priorities for each workday and set those tasks in motion first thing in the morning, before new distractions crop up. Have a schedule in place with time increments blocked out for handling related tasks such as administrative work, contacting clients, sending and answering emails, returning voicemails, and handling marketing responsibilities for your listings. Handling similar activities together can help you leverage time savings by avoiding duplicated efforts.

2. Consolidate listing activities as much as you can.

For example, replenish flyers and brochures for your listings all at once and update information for comparables and market analysis tasks frequently so that you have that information easily at hand when you need it. If possible, organize listing photos and showings in groups to minimize driving back and forth between properties.

3. Use technology wisely.

Set notifications to remind you of appointments and deadlines, and employ smartphone apps that can help you stay on track with schedules. Assign distinctive ringtones for clients so that you can distinguish their calls for quick responses. Avoid wasting time on social media and the internet during business hours.

4. Be flexible.

While it’s important to schedule your day for maximum productivity, it’s also important to leave room for showing requests, client questions, and unexpected issues that can pop up during the day. Leave a little wiggle room in your calendar so that you can be adaptable when needed. If your day gets interrupted, taking a few minutes to reprioritize will help you stay focused.

5. Learn to prioritize time.

You may need to map out traveling to listings ahead of time, especially if they’re same day appointments. Being proactive in knowing the most efficient routes could help you get the most out of your valuable time.

6. Ask for help.

Establish relationships with reliable network professionals with experience in serving real estate professionals and their clients. Having a network already in place can save you effort and worry when you need assistance quickly. For example, adding American Home Shield Home Service Plans with the Seller Coverage Option* to your listings can help save time for you and for your sellers. That’s because for up to six months, until the coverage transfers to the buyers, sellers enjoy all the advantages of AHS ShieldEssentialSM package protection while the home is on the market. ShieldEssential includes coverage for major components of the most crucial home systems that are the most expensive to repair or replace, including heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and more. If breakdowns occur for these covered items, your sellers can call AHS directly instead of going through you. Having a resource such as AHS can help also reduce seller anxiety about canceled showing appointments and covered repair or replacement expenses for home systems that they are leaving when they move. Contact your AHS Account Executive for more information about the Seller Coverage Option today.

*Subject to a $2,000 cap for all trades during the listing period.