Broker Focus: Daniel Yeo, Specialist Finance Centre | Mortgage Strategy


Describe your firm in a few sentences.

Specialist Finance Centre is a specialist finance broker. We advise on second charge mortgages, regulated and non-regulated bridging, commercial mortgages, development finance, buy-to-let and specialist first charge mortgages.

We take referrals exclusively from intermediaries. We are relationship led with a focus on the best client outcome every single time, and for introducers to use us time and time again.

We are governed by our core values — integrity, collaboration and determination. They reflect how we deal with introducers and their clients, lending partners and each other as colleagues.

What led you to become a broker?

I always wanted to be in control of my own destiny and becoming a broker presented that opportunity. Creating a business to provide opportunities for others has always been an ambition of mine too.

What plans do you have for the future of your firm?

Exciting plans, which have been carefully formulated over the past 12 months. We are undergoing a recruitment drive, with three new employed advisers starting in January 2021.

Next year will also see us bring in groups of new starters during each quarter. They will start as trainee advisers and be carefully managed and mentored to get to adviser status. We are aiming to become a top-five specialist broker in terms of business volumes written within three years.

Ambitious, maybe, but we are not looking to be a bit player in the market. I have kept a small ship for a few years on purpose, making sure that, when the time was right, we were ready.

What single thing could lenders do to improve brokers’ lives the most?

The specialist market is a unique space in that lenders strive and pride themselves on turnaround times, service and being flexible, to accommodate cases on their merits rather than an algorithm and restrictive criteria.

It’s easy to be critical; far better to collaborate with lenders and show empathy and understanding of the issues they face. That said, further enhancements and innovation with regard to technology are always welcome.

What advice do you have for a broker just starting out?

Be patient and evaluate what you want out of your life and career. Not everyone wants to be self-employed or to run their own business, so don’t get hoodwinked into thinking they are the only options to achieve success.

Employment can be just as rewarding on a personal and financial level as self-employment. Be honest about what you want and don’t let your ego get in the way.

Once you have decided, ensure your core values embed into your own business or align with those of the company you work for or with. You’re nothing without core values.

Be true to yourself and never ever chase the money. Money and success are a by-product of attitude. Just do the right thing and the rest will happen naturally. Enjoy the journey.

How can the industry encourage a new intake of brokers?

We have all fallen into the trap of chasing experienced brokers who can hit the ground running. While there is nothing wrong with bringing in proven talent, there is a lot to be said for fresh faces with no experience but drive and a positive attitude.

It’s about creating balance, which produces a conveyor belt of newly trained brokers, which in turn brings fresh thinking to the industry and ensures sustainability.

Your business’s core values form the cornerstones of your culture. Equip your business to provide a nurturing environment for trainees, and the long-term results in terms of an outstanding client-centric culture will be far easier to achieve.

Train advisers to mirror your business philosophy and values. Your business will flourish and the Valhalla of new advisers into the industry will be achieved. This approach is being adopted by SFC and the journey is exciting and dynamic — just the way I like it.

If you would like your firm to be featured in Broker Focus, please email Mortgage Strategy deputy editor Gary Adams at: [email protected]

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