Leeds Federated Housing Association commissions Hometrack climate change review


The housing association adds that Hometrack’s Risk Insights audit will help it understand where risks, such as flooding and subsidence, are concentrated, down to individual streets and properties.

It says the data will be combined with an up-to-date automated valuation model of each property to help the body assess the cost of these risks against the open market value of individual properties.

The association adds the climate change review will provide data to support the more effective targeting of its property maintenance and asset management. It says the move will also show potential finance partners that its properties “have a clean bill of health and are usable as financing securities”.

Leeds Federated Housing Association operations director Stephen Blundell says: “Working with Hometrack has enabled us to gain powerful insights into the current and future risks that climate change poses to our business.

This is invaluable at a time when we are planning major long-term capital investment in retrofit and evolving our portfolio to better meet the needs of current and future customers.

It helps us maximise sustainability as we develop new homes and provides welcome assurance to our partners that we are mindful of the potential impact of climate change and managing our business with this in mind.”

Hometrack head of property data solutions Ross Allan adds: “Climate change is evolving quickly and driving challenges for housing associations in unprecedented ways across investment, maintenance and active asset management.

Leeds Federated Housing Association is leading the way in recognising the impact of climate change on its portfolio – and is harnessing Hometrack’s insights to great effect in managing its risk exposure.

We welcome the opportunity for our data, analysis and solutions to be part of this key journey, and to help them navigate these uncharted waters.”

Hometrack is a key data provider to the UK mortgage market, supplying the industry with over 85 million automated valuations a year.