Octane increases zero stress test BTL products availability | Mortgage Strategy


Octane Capital has made its buy-to-let product range available to all brokers.

The products, launched during the initial lockdown, were available on an exclusive basis in order, the lender says, to receive feedback.

Since then, while its ‘Waves 3’, ‘Waves 4’ and ‘Waves 5’ products have been open to all, Octane’s Waves 1 and Waves 2 product with loans starting at £150,000 have been available on a semi-exclusive basis.

Now all products, which require zero stress testing and have a pay rate starting at 3.99 per cent, are available to all brokers.

The mortgages are aimed include first-time landlords and foreign nationals and can be used for multi-unit freehold blocks, houses in multiple occupation.

Octane managing director Mark Posniak says: “We’re excited to announce that our full BTL product suite is now open to everyone. In recent months, we’ve been further fine-tuning it and putting systems in place to ensure we could continue to provide a high quality service for brokers at scale and now we’ve reached that point.

“Our BTL loans are targeting a demographic that the vast majority of lenders actively avoid, with many of our borrowers to date having multiple non-standard circumstances. But this is where we believe we stand apart as a lender and we look forward to helping as many brokers as possible during 2021.”

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