Searches for homes with air conditioning triple on yearly basis: Rightmove | Mortgage Strategy


Searches for homes with air conditioning have soared compared to last year following the record-breaking hot summer, according to new analysis from Rightmove.

Searches for homes for sale with air conditioning using Keyword Sort have more than tripled at 234% compared to this time last year, while searches for homes to rent with air conditioning are up 74%.

On 19 July, the hottest day on record in the UK with temperatures of more than 40 degrees, searches for homes for sale with air conditioning nearly quadrupled to 280% and nearly tripled in the rental market to 180%, compared to the same day the previous year.

The number of available property listings mentioning air conditioning has also more than quadrupled compared to this time last year. 

Rightmove says this is likely a combination of more homes having the feature, and more agents highlighting it as a key selling point as temperatures rise and people imagine next summer in their new home.

However, those dreaming of a new home with air conditioning may have found their choice limited, as homes for either sale or to rent with air conditioning still make up less than 1% of all available properties despite the rise in mentions.

There has also been an increase in agents highlighting other features and using key terms to describe how a home may stay cool in the summer for buyers and renters, ahead of more potential hot summers.

Mentions of ‘ceiling fan’ have increased seven times to 629%, ‘airy’ six times to 526% and ‘shade’ five times to 405%. 

Rightmove property expert Tim Bannister says: “During the hottest days of the year we’ve seen people across the UK jump straight onto Rightmove to see where they could live with the luxury of air conditioning.” 

“Though they make up a very small portion of the current property market, homes with air-con and other features that keep a home cool could attract even more interest in the future if we experience similarly hot summers, and these features rise up the priority list.”

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