Horse Property for Sale | Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate


Equestrians put their horses first and expect the best property for a competitive price. Agents working with equestrian sellers and buyers should be knowledgeable about the care of horses and what appeals to this niche market. Discover seven savvy ways to market horse property for sale to lasso in those buyers and bring them to the finish line on closing day.

Stage the Property to Attract Equestrian Buyers

Much like any other property, horse properties should be staged to attract buyers and command the highest possible price. Agents must get to know the details that matter to equestrian buyers, then encourage the sellers to prepare the property accordingly. Areas to improve:

Keep Large Properties on Your Radar

A vast property for sale not currently used for horses may have the potential for this use. It can take years to find or sell horse properties in this narrow niche market. Creating opportunities is crucial for agents to remain profitable. Consider features to look for, such as:

Conversely, there are also conditions that would make a property unsuitable for equestrian buyers, including:

Effective marketing begins with property suitable for equestrian use based on law and common sense. Equestrian agents must know these details to help sellers market their properties.

Spend Time With Equestrians

Agents marketing horse property for sale must spend time with equestrians. Visit the local feed store and get to know horseback riding trainers, groomers, and instructors. Hang out at the racetrack, join an agricultural group, and get to know the hot spots where horse lovers spend time. Interacting with horse owners helps agents understand their needs, concerns, and current market trends. Plus, agents are building a network of potential buyers and sellers.

Corral the Right Keywords for Online Content

Unlike residential homes, horse properties sell slowly. Many are located in rural areas with minimal visibility. Getting eyes on these listings is crucial – and one of the best ways to do it is digital marketing. Use Google Analytics to find keywords that attract people searching for these properties. Remember to interweave relevant keywords into the online content naturally. Harness the power of SEO to market horse property for sale. Create a website or page for the property. Write blog posts with photos and a video tour of the house, buildings, and land. Then share these pages and posts on social media. Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate agents enjoy access to social media accounts that attract attention from a wide range of potential clients.

Craft Detailed Descriptions with Emotional Appeal

Go beyond generic descriptions for MLS. Craft a detailed listing description providing specific features of the horse property. From the materials used to construct the farm to property size and legalities, transparency draws qualified buyers who want this type of place. Include emotive language to reach out to horse owners. Focus on what benefits the property offers horses to keep them safe, healthy, and happy. Mention if the property has access to federal trails or other usable trails for horseback riders. Add relevant keywords to the description, title, and metadata to attract search engines and possible buyers.

Paint a Pastoral Setting With Professional Photos

Professional photos can grab the attention of out-of-state and international buyers looking for horse properties. Include colorful images of all the areas of the house, barn, outbuildings, arena, and land. Virtual and video tours provide an overview of the property that draws buyers into its appeal. Reach out to buyers with a video tour showing the comforts of the stable. Consider hiring a pro to take aerial photos that show the layout of the property so that buyers can picture their horses -and themselves – living there.

Include Old School Marketing Methods

Many people still get updates via old school methods, especially in rural areas with a slower pace. Make phone calls and attend community meetings to connect with people in the neighborhood who are in the agricultural industry. And remember to hand a business card to everyone you meet. Create beautiful flyers with plenty of photos to advertise the property. Find out the most popular local publications and place descriptive ads. Consider placing ads in trade publications for people in the equestrian industry. Agents who reach out the right way eventually realize returns. Use these smart strategies to connect with equestrians and market horse property for sale. Keep learning about the equine world to develop a lucrative niche. After the closing day, stay in touch with clients by sending holiday cards and updates. Being in the loop is a smart way to get referrals and listings from other horse lovers.

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