Cirencester Friendly relaunches My Extra Benefits | Mortgage Introducer


Originally launched in August 2016, Fracture & Hospitalisation Benefit and Immediate Death Benefit are available alongside the Society’s income protection contracts as an extra cost option.

Fracture Benefit now provides a lump sum of £1,500, up from £1,000 in the event a member suffers a fracture to any one of the 19 named bones. There is no change to the current Hospitalisation Benefit, which provides £50 a night following three nights in hospital.

Immediate Death Benefit now provides a payment of £7,500, increased from £5,000 upon the death of a member during their working life.

Both Benefits have also had the 30-day initial waiting period removed following Adviser feedback. As before, cover under these options can, subject to terms, continue on a standalone basis even after cover under the core income protection contract has ceased.

David Macgregor, commercial director at Cirencester Friendly, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to bring My Extra Benefits back to market with enhanced monetary values.

“We saw their temporary withdrawal as an opportunity to improve the existing level of cover following feedback from Advisers.

“The enhancements are available to all new and existing members, meaning that all of those who already have My Extra Benefits, will also enjoy the improved terms.

“It is most satisfying to provide a positive message during these difficult times, that we are still very much here for our members when they need us most.”

The income protection provider has also bought back to market its four week deferred periods for all income protection contracts and Severe Injury Cover with My Earnings Protected.