Southeast Florida Salvation Army as 2021 Ends, Hope Marches On


The Salvation Army in Southeast Florida hopes as 2021 ends, hope marches on. The Salvation Army exists to meet human needs wherever, whenever, and however, they can. The holiday season has come to an end, yet people in need continue needing assistance to get back on their feet. 

In the days after Christmas, when all the decorations have been stowed away and the tree has dried up and turned brown, consider offering a gift not just for the holiday season but for all four seasons of the year. The season may fade but the need for help is not gone. Your gift every month can keep hope marching on.

Across the country, millions of Americans are reeling from the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. Faced with challenges including job and income loss, hunger, and the inability to pay bills, they are being forced to make difficult decisions between basic necessities.  For many, these choices could mean the difference between “home” and “homeless.”

This issue is having a profound impact on the stability of American families. 2020 marked the most significant jump in poverty since the government began tracking it. Over eight million people have fallen into poverty. Statistics indicate that 63% of Americans have been living paycheck to paycheck since the pandemic began and 2020 marked the worst year on record for job losses at 9.4 million.

Want to donate to the Salvation Army, please make a local donation here.