Glenhawk Joins ASTL | Mortgage Strategy


Bridging loan specialist, Glenhawk Group, is the latest financial institution to join the Association of Short-Term Lenders (ASTL), bringing the total number of signatories up to 39.

According to ASTL data published in November last year, bridging loan completions fell by 6.1% during the third quarter of 2021, though loan valuation climbed to a record £1.2bn in the fourth quarter of last year, marking a 19% quarterly increase.

Glenhawk director of sales Jamie Pritchard says: “We recognise the importance of actively educating the wider market on the opportunities for investors and the solutions short term finance offers.

“Our commitment to transparency and customer focus aligns directly with the values of the ASTL, and we are proud to become members of this influential association.”

And ASTL chief executive Vic Jannels comments: “As the bridging market continues to grow and work with more customers it is imperative that we uphold our high standard and membership of the ASTL provides brokers with reassurance that they are choosing a lender they can trust to do the best by their clients.”

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