Sesame Bankhall shakes up executive team | Mortgage Strategy


Sesame Bankhall Group has announced a spate of changes within its top team to start off the new year.

Managing director for Sesame network Richard Howells will take on the role of chief operating officer, where he will be responsibility for delivery of existing services and the development of new ones.

At the same time, managing director of Bankhall and PMS Mortgage Club Ross Liston will now work as managing director for distribution and work within all of the group’s three brands. His duties will encompass the marketing and events team as well as distribution responsibilities.

Meanwhile, group business development director Jim Kelly will be leaving the network.

Sesame Bankhall Group chief executive Michele Golunska says: “Today’s changes are an important step in helping Sesame Bankhall Group to realise its future ambitions, and I would like to congratulate Richard [Howells] and Ross [Liston] on their expanded roles. I would also like to thank Jim [Kelly] for the valuable contribution he’s made during his time with the business, and we wish him well for the future.”

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