LMS partners with Bluestone on conveyancer secure link


The conveyancer’s messaging service was launched last July to allow law firms to raise common post offer queries with lenders in a bid to achieve quicker responses and avoid delays when processing property documents.

The firm says 69% of queries were resolved in this way and did not need to progress beyond the FAQ stage.

It adds: “Not only does this prevent hold ups in the conveyancing process as the law firm awaits an answer, but it also frees up more time for all stakeholders to focus on more complex cases or questions that need a bespoke, tailored response.”

The firms say specialist Bluestone will also be the first lender to allow law firms to request redemption statements quickly and securely through the secure link portal.

Bluestone Group head of lending operations Jackie Burchill says: “With the increasing capacity issues across the mortgage market, we are always looking for leading digital services to streamline how we work and make sure we continue to provide the best possible service for our customers.

“What they really care about is certainty on completion dates, and the only way to achieve that is by streamlining the conveyancing process. Partnering with LMS to launch secure ink allows us to answer specific queries really quickly without losing time and resources in doing so.”

LMS chief executive Nick Chadbourne adds: “Streamlining the conveyancing process for the industry as a whole has always been at the heart of everything we do at LMS, and secure ink has had a big impact on efficiency since it launched. It has undoubtedly made query turnaround times much quicker, in turn improving the workload and capacity of lenders and law firms alike.”