Openwork invests in mental health support for staff | Mortgage Introducer


It is marking Mental Health Awareness Week which runs till May 24 with a series of initiatives and activities aimed at promoting the importance of mental and physical wellbeing and is encouraging staff to participate.

Mental Health first aiders throughout the organisation are being given enhanced training to help them support staff during the lockdown which has meant most people working from home and struggling to take time out during the day.

Openwork employees are being asked to do more to promote their physical as well as mental health by using its premium subscription to meditation app Calm, which provides employees with support to reduce stress and build resilience.

On Friday, all employees will be given the opportunity to take an extra hour to spend time with their families and friends.

Activities will also include virtual yoga sessions, virtual lunch and learns that include wellbeing talks as part of its commitment to supporting employees throughout lockdown.

Openwork employees are being encouraged to take a break at lunchtime and block it out in their diaries as well as adopting no email mornings, with employees encouraged to speak directly to one another rather than over email.

Carrie Morris, chief people officer at Openwork, said: “At Openwork we are all in this together and as a business we remain committed to promoting the mental and physical wellbeing of all employees.

“In these highly unusual times it’s even more important that colleagues keep safe and well and seek support when needed. That is why we are providing additional training to our Mental Health First Aiders and running a range of initiatives to remind colleagues of the importance of mental and physical wellbeing.

“Mental Health Awareness Week is a good time to stop and consider how we are all feeling right now and as we all continue to adjust to being virtual colleagues, it is more important than ever that we plan our own time and make work, work for us.”

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