Cumberland BS launches company-wide neurodiversity training Mortgage Finance Gazette


A guide on the workplace challenges that people with conditions such as autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder face, has been launched by the Cumberland.   

The mutual says its Neurodiversity Toolkit discusses the strengths and challenges of neurodiverse conditions, offers guidance on office disclosure, and directs staff to helpful resources on these disorders.  

The guide will be rolled out throughout the firm in training sessions, webinars and events held at head office and in branches.  

Cumbria-based neurodiverse charity Owl Blue has helped the mutual put together the toolkit.  

It has worked with the lender over the last year conducting neurodiversity training and offering one-to-one sessions for colleagues to discuss issues relating to these conditions.  

The Cumberland chief people officer Jill Johnston says: “The talents that neurodivergent people can bring to the workforce are too valuable to miss. In an ever-changing and growing world, we need to accept, include, and involve all people in life and work.”  

Owl Blue Charity Manager Nichola McDougall adds: “The Cumberland is taking neurodiversity very seriously and I look forward to continuing to work with them to support the roll out of this incredibly important toolkit.”  

The Cumberland people & culture staffer Abbie Curzon (pictured), who is neurodiverse, highlights the importance of brining the issue to light.  

Curzon says: “I wasn’t diagnosed with autism until my late teens as neurodiversity awareness at the time was very low.   

“Even when staff at school first started to recognise signs that I may be living with a neurodiverse condition, it took about two years to get a diagnosis.”