A look back at the causes we supported in 2022


Two years ago, our team made a commitment to become more intentional about the ways in which we spend our money and time on a local level. As we reflect on another year of investing in the communities we serve, we wanted to share a few updates from some of the organizations that we’ve volunteered for, collaborated with, donated to, sponsored, or highlighted in our monthly nonprofit articles in 2022. 

Several of the nonprofits that we partner with focus on promoting social and racial justice, providing affordable housing, and protecting the environment. This year, the impacts of the pandemic and inflation led us to spotlight even more organizations that address ending hunger, homelessness, and social isolation. 

Foundation for Dane County Parks: Welcome to Aaron Mullins, who was hired as the Foundation’s first full-time executive director this fall and is eager to help guide stewardship opportunities to support our beautiful county parks. Stay tuned for exciting grant and fundraising announcements next year! 

Little John’s: Bravo to Little John’s for approaching the entire idea of food access in innovative ways! The nonprofit is now using the term “pay-what-you-want” instead of “pay-what-you-can” to describe its café and other meal distribution outlets. You can help raise money to make its future kitchen and restaurant at 5302 Verona Rd, Fitchburg a reality! In the meantime, volunteers are still needed at its temporary production site at 411 Prairie Heights Dr, Verona.

NAMI: This summer, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) launched a nationwide SMS/text message support option for the NAMI HelpLine. Help-seekers can now text “HELPLINE” to 62640 on weekdays to connect with the free, peer-support service that provides information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public. Additionally, the 10-digit National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now 988 – an easy-to-remember three-digit number that you can call for 24/7 crisis care. The world is a better place because you’re in it.

OWN IT: Building Black Wealth: Congratulations to the eight families affiliated with One City Schools who purchased a home in 2022 with support from $15,000 OWN IT down payment grants and valuable education offerings! OWN IT is in the process of hiring its first director and raising funds to help even more families become homeowners. 

Solace Friends: Welcome to Amy Mondloch, Solace’s first executive director, who is in the process of adding program staff as Solace Home prepares to open its doors for operations in 2023. As you may recall, agent Ann Raschein helped the nonprofit find their house at 4142 Monona Dr, Madison. After completing renovations, it will become a four-bedroom adult family home providing safe shelter and much needed support for approximately 20-25 terminally ill people each year.  

The Center for Black Excellence and Culture: Thank you to photographer and videographer Arran Krantz of Purple Circle Media, who donated a portion of each listing photo package booked by our team to a nonprofit of our choice. Together, we donated more than $1,000 for the future Center for Black Excellence and Culture, which will be located on South Park Street and will showcase Black excellence in leadership development, business and innovation, art, and gatherings. The Center has raised over $23 million of its $36 million capital campaign goal.

Several of these nonprofits are holding end-of-year matching giving campaigns to make each dollar go further, and food pantries are always in need of more non-perishable items. These organizations would appreciate any and all support – now and in 2023! Thank you! 

Local organizations our team members support

Click the logos below to learn more about the nonprofits and community groups that we supported in 2022. 


Is there a local nonprofit or organization that is doing great things in our community but may need an extra boost to better fulfill its mission? We’d love to learn more about why you support that organization or how you think we might be a good fit to collaborate with them -- either through a nonprofit spotlight article on our blog and newsletter, a donation drive, volunteer event, sponsorship, or potentially another type of partnership. Share your idea with Samantha Haas, marketing and community outreach specialist, at [email protected].