eKeeper launches Experian AML and credit reports for brokers


Users of the eKeeper CRM can easily obtain an AML check and consumer credit report using existing lead or case information. When brokers obtain the AML check and credit reports on their clients, all data and PDF documents are returned back to the CRM for the broker to review.

The new feature removes another unnecessary delay as previously credit reports could only be requested from the client.

David Bennett, commercial director of the eKeeper Group, confirmed: “This is a CRM first for the mortgage intermediary market. We have enabled brokers to request AML and consumer credit reports on their customers, which will be returned directly into a broker’s CRM providing the much needed due-diligence tools that brokers are crying out for.

“We don’t dictate where in the journey a broker may or may not want to perform an AML check or obtain the credit report, they are integrated tools within the eKeeper CRM so the broker can decide when, where and for whom.”

Lisa Fretwell, managing director of data services at Experian, commented: “Waiting on a customer to provide crucial documentation, including a copy of their credit report, can often be time consuming. “Experian’s solution provides brokers with the relevant information within seconds, significantly speeding up the mortgage process and enabling a much-improved customer outcome.”

David Bennett concluded: “Far too often we hear about horror cases that drain advisers’ time in hours and sometimes days, often on things that could have been caught and identified far earlier in the process through AML and credit reports.

“By integrating this directly into the eKeeper CRM, where the cost of the AML and credit report together is about the same as a pint and packet of crisps, this not only saves time, it ensures that an adviser’s customers are getting the best and most efficient of outcomes.”