10 Tips for Hosting a Hygienic Open House to Sell Houses Fast - Clean Slate


During COVID-19, savvy agents became masters of virtual open houses and showings. As people emerge from quarantine, hosting a hygienic open house in person is crucial for agents to sell houses fast. Discover simple ways to make buyers and sellers feel more comfortable after a new normal.

Continue Virtual Open Houses

Some clients will be eager to get out for open houses and closings, while others could remain cautious. Be mindful of everyone’s health and preferences by continuing virtual open houses. Offer an option to tour a home online or at a scheduled open house. Let potential attendees know agents conduct open houses in a clean environment with pandemic protocols. Better Homes and Gardens affiliated agents use images from a robust media library for enhanced listings.

Be Aware of CDC and Local Local Regulations

Educated agents best represent their clients and attract more new ones. Stay on top of CDC and local regulations about social distancing, open houses, meetings, and hygiene standards. Follow these regulations to the letter during open houses to ensure sellers and buyers are safe. Become a helpful resource by sharing updates on blogs and social media.

Invest in Hand Sanitizer Pumps

Hand sanitizer is here to stay for a while since quarantining and social distancing. Clean hands also help prevent other illnesses and diseases, which is essential to buyers and sellers – as well as an agent’s reputation. Invest in a few hand sanitizer pumps, wipes, and alcohol spray to set up sanitizing stations throughout the rooms during open houses.

Bring Gloves and Masks

Two more items for agents to have on hand are gloves and masks. Before opening the door for an open house, put out a box of masks and a box of gloves by the entrance. Encourage visitors to put them on before entering the home. Another item to consider is booties to put on over visitors’ shoes or asking them to remove their shoes at the entry.

Discuss Cleaning Protocols with Sellers

Agents help sellers showcase their homes to sell them faster and for the best possible price. Keeping a clean house post-pandemic is crucial to attracting the most viable buyers. Encourage sellers to use disinfectant sprays to get rid of germs and odors. Advise sellers to remove personal items so that buyers can imagine themselves in the home. Also, have buyers keep areas such as kitchen counters and bathroom vanities looking tidy.

Talk About Hygiene with Buyers

Buyers coming out of quarantine might be concerned about entering a strange house. Discuss pandemic protocols with buyers to ensure their comfort. Make necessary arrangements with sellers for the place to be appropriately presented during the open house to bring in the most attendees. 

Put Down Paper Mats

An easy way to keep everything cleaner during an open house is by putting down paper mats. Some visitors may feel reluctant to put on slippery plastic boots or taking off their shoes. Accommodate these visitors and the sellers by placing thick paper mats by the doors, walkways, and hallways to keep the areas debris-free.

One Party at a Time

Another consideration after quarantining is social distancing, as different areas open up at other times. During these unsure days, agents should schedule one party at a time to enter an open house. Walkthrough with the visitors to keep the tour moving and limit the time in the place to fifteen minutes, so other buyers and agents can get into the property.

Keep Lights Turned On

One of the most touched features in any house is the light switches. With cleanliness in mind, keep all the lights turned on during an open house so nobody has to touch them. Plus, a well-lit home is more inviting and lets visitors see all its features. Optimum lighting is also safer for people with poor vision and brightens up dark living spaces. 

Share Meaningful Content

Make buyers and sellers feel at ease about scheduling open houses by sharing meaningful content about them. Write blog articles and social media updates about pandemic protocols and how to host and attend a safe open house. Create text and email letters to keep former clients updated about the new normal and stay connected for future business.

As everyone comes out from quarantine, people remain cautious about health and safety. Agents attract more business by paying attention to pandemic protocols during open houses in 2021. An agent who understands the power of virtual presentations and proper hygiene in person can boost home sales and profits.

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