High Demand For Maine Real Estate Leads to an 18% Increase in Sales and a 16% Increase in Prices | Maine Real Estate Blog


AUGUSTA (Feb.19, 2021)—Buyer demand for Maine’s real estate is strong and for-sale home inventory is historically low. According to Maine Listings, the median sales price (MSP) for a single-family existing home in Maine rose 15.57 percent to $255,300 and sales volume jumped 18.38 percent comparing January 2021 to January 2020. The MSP indicates that half of the homes were sold for more and half sold for less.

“Residential real estate in 2021 is kicking off in continued positive territory with sales volume and median sold values significantly out-pacing those of a year ago,” says Aaron Bolster, Broker/Owner of Allied Realty in Skowhegan and 2021 President of the Maine Association of Realtors.

“Coming off 2020, the best year ever for sales volume, we are struggling with historically low for-sale inventory statewide. Buyers are facing far fewer available home choices and sellers are reluctant to list their properties without their next move-in property in place. Buyer demand is strong, and a continuing positive trajectory for 2021 is dependent on homes for sale coming onto the market.”

The National Association of Realtors today reported a 23 percent rise in sales of single-family existing homes across the country comparing January 2021 to January 2020. Home prices jumped 14.8 percent over January 2020, reaching a national MSP of $308,300 in January 2021. Regionally, sales in the Northeast increased 24.3 percent and the regional MSP was up 15.8 percent to $361,400 comparing January 2021 to January 2020.

“This high demand, low supply dynamic can be challenging for buyers and for sellers. Rely on your REALTOR for local market knowledge, your ‘next move’ strategy, and negotiating expertise.”

Below are two charts showing statistics for Maine and its 16 counties. The first chart lists statistics for the month of January 2021 and 2020 only, statewide. The second chart compares the number of existing, single-family homes sold (units) and volume (MSP) during the rolling three months of November (2019/2020), December (2019/2020) and January (2020/2021).

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