NatWest makes BTL changes | Mortgage Strategy


NatWest Intermediary Solutions is introducing changes to its buy-to-let range including increasing the applicant’s maximum age and reducing the interest coverage ratio.

The maximum age at the end of the term for buy-to-let applications is increasing from 70 to 80.

For applications where the term goes beyond the customer’s retirement age only the rental income from the property being purchased or remortgaged will be used. This affordability assessment applies to either one or both customers.

Interest coverage ratio is being lowered from 135 per cent to 125 per cent for basic rate taxpayers and letting agents fee costs will be factored into the background calculation for these customers.

Rental income will no longer be used to achieve the minimum eligibility criteria of £25k per annum.  All other sources of acceptable income will remain the same.

These changes follows feedback from brokers and will start on 23 November.

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