RLA warns tenants are struggling to find long-term housing | Mortgage Introducer


The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) says that figures show Airbnb accommodation now accounts for one in every four property listings in some parts of the country.

ARLA Propertymark found that almost half a million properties could be left unavailable for longer-term rent as landlords exit the market.

The RLA adds that a main reason for the fall in the number of long-term lettings is the change in the taxation of landlords, an issue which it has been campaigning about since 2016.

Furthermore, the government policy change on tax relief will come into effect in April 2020, and only applies to long-term lettings.

The body also believes that the implementation of the 3% stamp duty levy on the purchase of extra housing is affecting the long-term lettings market.

David Smith, policy director for the RLA, said: “Government policy is actively encouraging the growth of holiday homes at the expense of long-term homes to rent which many families need.

“This is completely counterproductive, making renting more expensive and undermining efforts to help tenants save for a house of their own.

“The Chancellor must use his Budget to give tenants a better deal by supporting good landlords to provide the homes to rent that they want to live in.”