Celebrate The Official Start of Summer This Weekend


Bring out to outdoor yard games, pool toys, and stock up on your cookout supplies because the official start of summer is just a few days away.  Thought the weather around the country have been seems to already break into the summer temperatures for a few weeks now, the official start of the summer season is this Sunday, June 20th.

The first day of summer is determined by the tilt of the earth’s axis as it rotates around the sun. on this day, the North Pole is the closest to the sun and the northern hemisphere receives the most day light for the longest amount of time. This day is known as the Summer Solstice. This Sunday will be the longest “day” and the shortest “night” in the 365-day calendar year which makes it the official start of summer at 11:32 pm eastern standard time.

Interesting Facts About Summer:

The Summer Olympics are taking place this summer in Tokyo, July 23rd through August 8th.

Watermelon is one of the most popular summer treats

The month of June is named after the Roman Goddess Juno

If you love ice cream, July is National Ice Cream Month and National Blueberry Month

Ice Pops were invented by accident in the summer of 1905 by an 11-year-old boy

The phrase “Dog Days of Summer” refers to the weeks between July 3rd and August 11th that are typically known to be the hottest days of the summer

In the US over 650 million long distance summer trips are made

The top 5 most summer vacation activities are shopping, visiting historical sites, swimming and water sports, going to a park or national park, and sightseeing tours

Between Memorial Day and Labor Day Americans eat over 7 billion hot dogs

For more facts, click here.