Clydesdale lifts resi rates by up to 13bps, cuts BTL fixes by 30bps Mortgage Strategy


Clydesdale Bank will lift selected residential rates by up to 0.13%, while cutting some buy-to-let (BTL) prices by as much as 0.30% from tomorrow (19 March).

On new and existing residential customer products, selected two- and five-year 65% and 75% loan-to-value (LTV) fixes, rates will increase by up to 0.13%.

The lender will lower rates on professional product. From tomorrow, the two-year 75% LTV fixes will go up by 0.05%.

Elsewhere, exclusive residential selected two- and five-year fixes will rise by up to 0.10%.

Clydesdale is also reducing selected products across its BTL and interest only ranges.

Selected two- and five-year fixed BTL products will go down by 0.30%.

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