Glenhawk wins at Amazon Scale-Up Awards | Mortgage Introducer


Glenhawk is the first alternative lender to win in this category, which celebrates the UK’s most successful businesses and entrepreneurs.

Launched in January 2018 Glenhawk has originated £1.7bn pounds worth of enquiries and provided £116m of commercial and residential financing, across 165 loans, to enable a diverse range of property professionals to acquire real estate.

Guy Harrington, founder and chief executive officer of Glenhawk, said: “It is incredibly humbling to win this prestigious award given all the outstanding start-ups that were nominated alongside us and that have won this award previously.

“This recognition, a true team effort, is a huge confidence boost as we look to replicate the success, we have had in the UK bridging market with more consumer focused products, whist remaining true to our ethos of fairness and transparency.

“The vision for Glenhawk was borne out of a first-hand experience that the short term lending sector was ripe for disruption and our rapid growth trajectory since launching has proved this to be true.

“Despite the challenging macroeconomic backdrop, the business has continued to go from strength to strength, with the backing of several global institutions and as the real estate fundamentals in the UK have remained favorable.”