Creating meaningful jobs and supporting our local economy


Did you know that many of the listing photos we see online are actually produced overseas? Sure, the pictures are taken by a local photographer. But what many people don’t know is that in many cases the photo editing is outsourced overseas before the final images are published online.  

The same goes for virtual staging. Many of the virtually staged images that we see online are actually produced by people who live halfway around the world. 

From an economic perspective, this approach to photography is beneficial to the consumer. It leverages cheap, overseas labor to efficiently deliver an affordable product. 

But in the bigger picture it comes at a cost -- because it bypasses an opportunity to create meaningful work and support our economy right here in Dane County. 

Which is one of the reasons why Tracy Kapela works as a full-time photographer and visual marketer on our team. Tracy is a talented photographer who edits her own photos and produces her own virtual staging. Her skill set also includes graphic design, website design, property floor plans, property brochures, newsletters, and more.  

When you hire Mad City Dream Homes, we want you to know you’re hiring a company that invests in the community by creating meaningful jobs right here in Dane County. At Mad City Dream Homes, we believe in creating roles that offer good pay and good benefits, autonomy and flexibility, as well as an environment where each employee is challenged to grow. 

And Tracy is a great example of someone who continually embraces growth. Over the years she has consistently created an amazing amount of value for our clients and our team. 

Thank you Tracy for all you do for our team and our clients. And thanks to all of you who support our team with your business and referrals. Your support means the world to us and brings more significance to our work. It allows us to keep creating jobs that offer a good standard of living right here in Madison. 

Thank you and sincerely, 

Your friends at Mad City Dream Homes