Editor's note: A very particular set of skills | Mortgage Strategy


As we return from what is traditionally a holiday period, I hope you have managed to find some form of contentment this summer.

While the schools may have been closed, there was little let-up in the mortgage market; in fact, many had their busiest months on record as demand rocketed due to the stamp duty holiday, and getting offers through became more complex. No doubt the phones were hopping as the sub-1% mortgages hit the headlines, but I’m sure the number of clients securing these deals was much lower.

I don’t envy you, brokers, having to repeatedly explain to many clients that yes, these incredible rates are available, but no, they are not open to everyone and a ‘very particular set of skills’, or criteria in this case (and often a hefty deposit), must be met to qualify, and first-time buyers are mostly excluded.

With so many changes coming thick and fast, it’s all about clarity and communication

Of course, criteria are in place to ensure affordability and the lenders are doing the right thing here, but I’m sure brokers would avoid a few headaches if these were highlighted more clearly from the offset. And, for those who do qualify, there are the fees, which may not be evident at first.

In terms of who can borrow what, things are improving, with more lenders making products available to the self-employed who are receiving government income support. With so many changes coming thick and fast, it’s all about clarity and communication. And that’s where brokers prove their worth once again.

Speaking of things improving, society is getting back to a more familiar state. While some are delighted to be able to go out and socialise again, others are more hesitant. There is no right or wrong and we must respect individual decisions.

Brokers would avoid a few headaches if these criteria were highlighted more clearly from the offset

On that note, we are delighted to be in a position to hold the Mortgage Strategy Awards, live, at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London again in a couple of weeks. If you are joining us, I very much look forward to seeing you there. But, if not, when you’re ready, we’ll celebrate this great industry again!

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