Hampden & Co enters self-build space | Mortgage Strategy


Private bank Hampden & Co has brought out a suite of self-build mortgages in what it says is a response to client demand.

The products are available for “significant” refurbishing as well as for the complete buildings of a property with a minimum amount of £750,000 and a maximum of £4m.

Hampden will lend up to 50% of the purchase cost or value of the land or up to 70% of the combined value of the land and build.

Interest is set between 2.25% and 2.75% above the base rate for the life of the loan with an early repayment change applicable during the first three years, decreasing from 3% to 1% and an arrangement fee is charted at 2% of the loan amount.

Hampden & Co banking director Duncan Buchanan says: “We help clients throughout the process of building their own homes, not only by providing the necessary finance but by working closely with the client and other specialists to help ensure the success of the project. It’s consistent with our overall approach at the bank that we go the extra mile for our clients.”

In a day of self-build news, the government this morning announced a £150m ‘Help to Build’ scheme and the launch of a review into how to expand this market.

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