Dudley unveils two new five-year fixed rate products | Mortgage Strategy


Dudley Building Society has launched two new five-year fixed rate products.

The new five-year fixed rate shared ownership product has a rate of 3.29%, with a maximum share of 95%. 

The society has also increased the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) of its five-year fixed rate ex-pat residential product from 80% to 90%. 

The maximum loan size of this product has also increased from £1m to £1.5m, with a rate of 3.89%.

In addition, Dudley says it will continue to introduce tiered early repayment charge (EPC) rates to its products, with a discounted ERC rate available following the first year.

Dudley Building Society chief executive Jeremy Wood says: “We have been listening to our intermediary partners who have demanded longer-term products that provide applicants with additional security. Following on from last week’s bank base rate increase to 1%, we expect that fixed rate propositions will only continue to be preferred by applicants.”

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