Accord withdraws products following positive Covid-19 results | Mortgage Strategy


Accord Mortgages has withdrawn its 75 per cent LTV and 80 per cent LTV residential products for 10 days.

The lender says that a “small number of colleagues” have tested positive for Covid-19 at its Lynch Wood site, where most of its underwriters are based. Self-isolation procedures have resulted in fewer underwriters able to work and so services must be managed.

The products will be taken off the market at 8pm tonight.

Accord managing director Jeremy Duncombe says: “Our priority has always been the health and wellbeing of our colleagues, so we have taken the decision to withdraw products at 75 per cent and 80 per cent LTV to ensure service levels can be managed with our reduced capacity.

“Whilst we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact to service, in these exceptional circumstances with less underwriters available, there are likely to be some delays, so we advise brokers to check the current turnaround times on our website in order to manage client expectations.

“We expect this to be a very temporary pause on lending at these tiers and are still accepting applications on all other products within our range.”

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