Thankful | Consider These Things To Be Thankful For | HOME Real Estate Blog


Fall is the time when folks are asked “what are you truly thankful for?”

We are living in unprecedented times. People’s attitudes are more reserved this year with all the changes that we have faced during 2020. Have you taken the time to reflect on what it is that you are thankful for? The most common response is health or family.

Did you answer health or family to the question of thankfulness? Take the time to reflect and you may consider the following things that you also may be thankful for.

LAUGHTER… spreading joy to others with a happy and playful giggle.

OUR HOMES… without them we may have never known how wonderful indoor plumbing is, ha. And of course, they are our safe space!

READING… pick up a new book or reach out to other readers for recommendations (they may even let you borrow their books).

SUNSETS… take the time to enjoy the beauty especially in Nebraska!

EDUCATION… the potential is endless, enroll in a class you have always wanted to take! You may find a new hobby or learn a new skill.

TIME… do not take it for granted, make time for family and friends, stay active and set a sleeping schedule to aid a positive mind and well-rested body.

Harvard Medical school conducted a study at Pennsylvania University that scientifically proved that gratifying words inspire our minds to do better and think positively. Helping us to remain very humble and thankful for what we do have. This means with your positive attitude you also have the power to make someone else’s day, kindness goes far! I know many of you rock the Nebraska Nice.

We have many things to be thankful for. Try out this fun idea to help you and your family focus on the good in life that we can be grateful for! Make memories with your family. Everyone picks a few things that make them feel thankful! Write them down and place them in a dedicated box. Next year (or when you think your family needs reminding) get out the thankful box and read your responses. This will for sure bring joy and laughter into your homes and really help you slow down and appreciate others around you.