Wings Over Miami Air Museum South of Palm Beach County


Families are always looking for family activities that do not break the bank, yet are entertaining. If you have flying fanatics in your crew then this museum is worth the hour drive south of Palm Brach County to Miami. Let your spirits soar at the Wings Over Miami Air Museum! Tours of the museum’s growing collection, include vintage planes, military trainers, and jet aircraft from the Cold War era. There are flyable aircraft as well as static displays.

The Wings Over Miami Air Museum is located at Miami Executive Airport. The air museum is open to the public. The painting above is of a Navy F-14 Tomcat, the airplane made famous in TOPGUN. The Museum has a Tomcat on display! The name of the image is Last Demo Baby! It was commissioned by the backseat pilot, “The Rio”, who can be seen in the painting. The event was the last public Air Show Demonstration of the F-14 before all the jets were retired from Navy service in 2007. The painting is done by renowned historical aviation artist, Rick Herter. Please visit Rick Herter's Art and Gallery. 

Additionally, in 2020 the museum acquired a Soviet-era supersonic MIG-21 fighter, which arrived disassembled from Lakeland, FL. The museum plans to reassemble the plane publicly, then display it, and is seeking donations for packing, shipping, and reassembly costs. If you are interested in donating, please click here for more information. 


$ 10 for general admission

$   7 for seniors over 60

$   6 for children aged 12 and younger

Group rates and annual memberships also are available. 


10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Wednesdays through Sundays

The last entry is at 4:30 p.m.