Advise Wise makes double hire to head new mortgage club | Mortgage Introducer


Hanlon has been hired as mortgage club manager where she will lead the helpdesk and place desk service.

She joins from Premier Equity Release Club, where she was responsible for the club’s development and distribution.

Tweed has nearly 20 years’ experience in the later life lending market and joins from OneFamily where he was head of intermediary sales.

Jonathan Thirkill, chief executive at Advise Wise, said: “Jane and Jon’s appointment shows the company’s commitment to provide a comprehensive solution for advisers, complementing our innovative platform with the benefits of a Mortgage Club and an experienced and dedicated helpdesk.”

Tweed added: “Advise Wise is a new platform for advisers in the later life lending market, providing the latest technology alongside market expertise.”

”The market is growing and lifetime mortgages are an essential tool for all advisers looking at later life lending solutions and as more and more new entrants consider lifetime mortgages as a solution for their customers, it is essential that they are given the tools and support to ensure they are giving their clients the best possible solution.”

The Advise Wise platform was launched in November 2019.