SimplyBiz reveals lineup for senior executive forum event | Mortgage Introducer


The event, hosted by Martin Reynolds, chief executive of SimplyBiz Mortgages, will feature Miguel Sard from NatWest, Alan Cleary from One Savings Bank and Jeremy Dunscombe from Accord Mortgages.

Luminaries Keith Street, David Whittaker, Hans Geberbauer, Will Hale, Sarah Green, Craig McKinlay and Steve Cox from The Mortgage Lender, Keystone, Foundation Home Loans, Key Group, Virgin, Kensington and Fleet respectively, will also participate.

They will be taking a high-level look at the ‘new-world’ mortgage market, how technology can enhance efficiencies in the advice process, and how to maximise referral opportunities and later life.

Reynolds said:“The past 18 months have been a time of great change in the world of mortgages.

“Lenders, brokers and advisers have had to adapt quickly to ensure they continue to deliver the best incomes to consumers.

“I believe the opportunity to hear from so many renowned and expert speakers, from a breadth of leading industry names, at just one event will prove hugely valuable to our member firms.

“As brokers and advisers make key decisions about their services and businesses, we believe they will benefit greatly from both being part of the conversation about the current mortgage landscape, and hearing perspectives on what comes next for our sector.

“Getting all these industry legends together for one event is a coup for us and we are sure our members will enjoy their incisive thoughts.”