5 Must-have CRM Integrations to Optimize your Real Estate Business


Just a friendly reminder when it comes to CRMs: Buyer beware of the “complete CRM.” Unfortunately this is usually code for a company trying to create a beast-of-a-system from scratch. (And typically not succeeding.)

Instead, you should look for a system that has CRM integrations with other best-of-breed solutions. That way you can integrate all your favorite tools, pull info from everywhere, and connect everyone (your team, buyers, sellers, prospects, everyone.)

Now, here are the integrations you need to optimize every aspect of your business (and save so. much. time.):

Auto-Dialer CRM Integration

When an auto-dialer’s technology is directly integrated into your CRM, you can work much more efficiently, easily call prospects from your CRM database, and use one system for lead cultivation and call handling. Boom.

Automated dialers:

  • Eliminate tedious tasks like manually dialing phone numbers and leaving voicemails
  • Help you connect with more prospects
  • Are proven to generate more conversations, and set more appointments.

By directly integrating this functionality into your CRM, you can enjoy conversations with cultivated opportunities from your database instead of wasting time calling uninterested prospects. This is what we like to call Smart Propsecting.

For example, BoomTown’s CRM integrates directly with Mojo dialer, and the streamlined call process provides detailed information from the CRM like communication history, contact information, and relevant lead profile details that are displayed for the agent handling the call. Calls and To-Dos are automatically logged and updated, and pre-recorded voicemails are instantly delivered so agents can quickly move from call to call without additional administrative tasks.

Paperless Contract Management CRM Integration

Ah, going paperless. No more messy files, no more lost paper or forms, all your data and tools housed digitally in one place for easy access and total transparency. When it comes to transaction management, there are so many moving parts and different players. Using a digital system replaces the mess with simple form creation, e-sign and a single end-to-end solution, while helping you streamline your business with real-time visibility into your transactions.

When this is seamlessly integrated into your CRM you can:

  • Say goodbye to the security risks and hiccups that come with linking together multiple solutions.
  • Stay on top of reviews with workflow tools
  • Gain real-time visibility into your business, coach team members, and increase productivity.

BoomTown clients can easily connect their accounts with dotloop, the industry’s leading digital transaction management software. This integration provides a seamless hand-off from CRM to transaction management, and when synced, data silos and messy workflows get smoothed out between agents and transaction coordinators, you get extra time to focus on what matters to your business.

Video Email CRM Integration

It’s no secret that video is huge in marketing right now. It’s an easy way to put a face to your brand, humanize your marketing message and really connect with your prospects. Adding video to your emails can seriously boost your results too.

According to BombBomb, the industry’s leading video platform, of the people working in real estate who leverage video in their marketing:

81% get more replies68% convert more leads56% report more referrals.

When you have video technology integrate with your CRM it means you can leverage the power of video in your email marketing campaigns, drip plans, and bulk emails. You can also record a new video directly from the CRM that can be used in any way you choose (drop it in an email, text from the mobile app, share on social media, etc.).

In the BoomTown CRM, BombBomb’s video email technology is seamlessly integrated so users can create video campaigns, add videos to drip plans, and use the tool to build trust, convert leads, and get referrals by getting face to face more often.

Inbound Call Tracking CRM Integration

An inbound call is one of your most valuable leads. But in the chaos of the day it can be nearly impossible to make sure you answer every call. Unfortunately this means losing opportunities to the competition.

According to CallAction, 77 billion inbound calls were made by high-intent mobile consumers to local businesses in 2014. Mobile phones are everywhere, mobile use is exploding, and inbound call volume is predicted to grow 110% to 162 billion by 2019.

The conversion rate of inbound calls is between 30 to 50%, so these are HOT opportunities you don’t want to leave on the table. It’s crucial to use tools to help you track and manage them.

BoomTown’s CRM directly integrates with CallAction, bringing their cutting-edge offline lead generation directly into the platform. This means agents are further empowered to productively work their CallAction leads to conversion through BoomTown.

The technology even uses customs SMS text messages if an inbound call comes in unanswered, that way your leads are always engaged with you and won’t run off to the competition because you didn’t answer. And we know what a great channel text messaging can be for many prospects!

Google Calendar CRM Integration

Aside from nurturing your leads, and spinning up new opportunities, one of the biggest benefits to your real estate CRM is keeping you on top of it all. Your appointments, your to-dos, all of it. So why work off of a separate calendar? Sync your Google Calendar with your CRM and feel like you’re truly running mission control.

  • Create to-dos and appointments
  • Leverage your CRM’s task management tools
  • Sync it all with your Google Calendar

For example, in the BoomTown CRM, if you have a meeting on Sunday at 11:00 with a prospect, you create the event in your CRM via the Google Calendar, and your prospect will automatically be added to the event and emailed a calendar invitation. (Of course you also have the option to add more participants too!).

Bringing it All Together: Real Estate CRM Integrations

The point of technology is to streamline your workflow and help you offload menial tasks. But, it can get overwhelming with so many tools in different places. The future of real estate business optimization is integrating your favorite tools with your CRM, so you can enjoy fewer logins and better insights.